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What Do You Really Want Your Life To Look Like?

Lisa Perkins

Updated: Oct 23, 2021

Are you feeling stuck or frustrated with life? Often times, this feeling can be used as the catalyst to a personal transformation, but you must first make the decision that you are ready and willing to change. When you take ownership of your life, you step into your power by being the creator of your reality. YOU get to choose what you want your life to look like, and then allow it to unfold by making choices that are aligned with that vision.

Making a meaningful change is both exciting and distressing. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it in the long run. Our brains are wired to make change uncomfortable and more challenging than it needs to be.

Focusing on the most important aspects of personal change can make the process smoother and easier, along with knowing why you want this transformation to occur in your life. The odds of success are greatly enhanced, too. If the pain and discomfort of staying the same are greater than the effort needed to make the necessary changes, then you honestly have no choice but to muster up the courage to take that step forward in creating the life of your dreams.

Essential Steps For Personal Transformation:

1. Decide. Making a true decision might be the most powerful thing you can do. A true decision cuts off all other possibilities. Most of us fail to truly decide. We make weak decisions and fail to stick with them. The constant vacillation between multiple options is worse than making no decision at all.

  • Narrow down your options to just a couple of choices and then pick one. After the careful consideration you’ve done in the narrowing process, one choice is probably as good as another when you only have a couple of options left. Picking a suboptimal choice is also better than failing to make a choice. However, if you know deep down what you really want then be brave enough to choose that. This is your life, and you get to choose what you really want. You might regret it later on if you don’t.

2. Create a deadline. Have you ever noticed how projects expand to fill the allotted time? If your boss gave you two weeks to complete a project, you’d probably be scrambling at the last minute to get it done.

  • Choose a deadline that’s reasonable, not too stressful for you, but still aggressive. You can get more accomplished than you realize.

  • The lack of a timetable ensures the transformation process will take much longer than necessary.

3. Have an exciting vision. Ensure that you have a clear picture of how your personal transformation will positively impact your life. If that vision doesn’t fill you with excitement, you’re going to need a new vision for your future. Making a big change is challenging. Without a compelling expected future, it will be hard to persevere.

4. Address your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs don’t directly limit your ability to transform. However, they can severely limit your ability to take action. If don’t believe you can succeed, you’ll never complete the hard work required to see a transformation.

  • Make a list of all the beliefs you have about yourself and the world that could be limiting your progress. Address each of them one by one. Make a list of counterexamples to that belief. What is the disadvantage of continuing to accept that belief? What new belief could you install in its place?

  • It’s challenging to find and eliminate all the limiting beliefs you hold, but doing so guarantees your ultimate success.

  • Consider any experiences in your past that fill you with a sense of failure. These memories can often hold clues to your limiting beliefs.

5. Measure your progress. Any significant transformation will take time. Weight is lost a little at a time. Skills are gained over time. Develop a way to track your progress and review it regularly. Seeing progress is motivating. It also lets you know where you stand. Enjoy your results and permit it to increase your enthusiasm.

Making a successful personal transformation is one of the quickest ways to positively change your life.

Create a compelling future and be determined that you’ll reach it by your deadline. Work on your limiting beliefs. They are the greatest impediment to your ability to change. Finally, measure your progress along your journey. The feedback and motivation it provides are invaluable.

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