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Honoring Your Truth: A Journey to Self-Love

Lisa Perkins

Honoring your truth is one of the highest forms of self-love. But how can you honor that truth if you don’t really know what it is?

Your truth is your authentic self. It is your natural state of alignment with what brings you to life. It is who you are and what you value most at your core.

We live in a world with so many differing opinions and perspectives on what is right and how you “should” live your life. It can get confusing and overwhelming, sometimes feeling like you’re being pulled in different directions, creating inner conflict. This external noise is doing everything it can to get your attention, hoping you'll accept this information as fact.

Staying connected to your personal truth is not always the easiest task to achieve, but it is absolutely possible. Rediscovering your truth requires you to dig deep and question belief systems that you’ve held for most of your life. Belief systems passed on to you or learned from family, friends, teachers, leaders, community, culture... the list could go on, but you get the point.

I say “rediscover” because it’s been there all along; perhaps you’ve just lost touch with it. There’s no better time to get reconnected to it than now.

Have you ever had thoughts or felt a certain way about something that goes against the belief systems you were raised with? Have you prevented yourself from allowing these thoughts and feelings to be explored more in-depth? Maybe you’ve been hiding aspects of yourself for fear of judgment or disappointing loved ones.

What do you want in life?

No, not what your parents, friends, or society want for you… What do YOU really want for yourself?

What, or who, does your heart beat for?

What lights you up?

What truly makes you happy?

Does that really make you happy, or is it more of a distraction or “quick-fix” to prevent you from facing yourself and acknowledging what you truly desire?

Have you convinced yourself that sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of others is noble and makes you happy when, in reality, your soul feels like it’s dying inside?

Rediscovering your truth requires sitting with these thoughts and feelings to observe where you are out of alignment with that small voice within – the internal compass that has been trying to guide you to your true north.

A great way to reconnect with your truth is to turn off all the external noise and detox from the information overload. Take a break from everything. Start small and work your way up to longer increments of time. Get comfortable with just being with yourself and your thoughts. Pay attention to how these thoughts make you feel inside. Give yourself time and space to understand and process them.

Does anything feel “off” or not sit right deep within?

Do you have inner conflict?

Dig deeper…

What FEELS right to you?

Nature is another great way to reconnect. Get into the present moment by observing and appreciating the beauty of all your surroundings. Take deep cleansing breaths of fresh air and enjoy the feel of the sunshine warming your soul.

There is something magical that happens when you are in this environment. Tune into the sounds of nature and get lost in the moment. Allow it to speak to your soul.

Your truth can also be found by a process of elimination. By letting go of thoughts, beliefs, and habits that do not resonate or feel aligned with your core, you get one step closer to what does.

This can be an evolving process, revealing itself to you in layers. You might find yourself saying or doing something more out of habit or to please others than actual belief or enjoyment. Perhaps it no longer resonates with who you’ve grown into or who you’re in the process of becoming. If that’s the case, then it’s time to release it and fill that space with what feels right to you. During your day, take note of what lights you up and brings you to life.

What information resonates deep within your core?

What would it take to get what you want or where you want to go? Do you first need to admit to yourself what that is, and give yourself permission to actually go after it?

Is it possible you’ve been self-sabotaging your happiness by finding reasons why you think you can’t have what your heart truly desires?

Do you not feel deserving of it?

It’s time to get honest with yourself. Look around you… Is this the life you want to be living in 10 years? 5 years? Or even this time next year?

If not, then it’s time to start challenging these old, limiting beliefs that have been holding you hostage.

Take your power back, and get to work on shifting your mindset to create new beliefs that are aligned with your true self… then act accordingly.

Honoring your truth also requires you to embody it completely. Be authentic. Don’t be afraid to speak and live your truth. Yeah, I know, it can be daunting to think about, let alone take action on, especially when you don’t know how it will be received by others. But if you’re going to love a life that brings you joy and fulfillment, then it's an absolute must.

When you embrace your true self, you lead the way for others to do the same.

Likewise, the greatest act of love that you can show to another is to respect their truth, allowing them to be their true, authentic self in your presence without placing guilt, shame, or judgment upon them.

Give yourself permission to follow your heart and soul’s true guidance, and to live life on your own terms. You are not here to keep up with trends or to follow the crowd. You are the artist of your life; it’s time to start creating your masterpiece.

Your truth shall set you free.

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