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Lisa Perkins

New Beginnings on the Horizon

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

If you're like me, at one time or another you've felt a calling deep within your soul to create a more meaningful and purposeful life. A calling to make a bigger impact in the world, even if that is the smaller world of family, friends, or the local community that surround you. Or maybe it's a calling to create the life of your dreams, and live it on your terms, instead of just existing in the parameters of the life that has been given to you, or striving for goals that society has defined for you. But where do you start?

That's a tough question to answer when the call or dream is so big and loud, or goes against everything you grew up believing was true or the "right way" to do things.

So where do you start? You start with YOU. It's so simple, but yet so complicated... because, let's face it, you're a complex being with layers of conditioning that you might not even be aware of.

You start with being honest with yourself...on all levels. What do you truly want? What does your heart desire? What kind of world do you want to live in? How do you want to show up in your life? What do you want to feel? Where are you self-sabotaging yourself?

You start by getting to work on addressing and detaching from any fears, limiting beliefs, or feelings of unworthiness that are keeping you stuck, or making you believe you can't have what you truly desire on a soul level.

You start with the awareness of what is no longer working in your life, or what never did. Then you find the courage to make the necessary changes and release what you know you need to let go of in order to grow.

You start by being mindful of where your inner guidance is out of alignment with your external reality. Then you give yourself permission to listen to that inner guidance and allow yourself to follow where it is trying to lead you.

It can be overwhelming when you feel this calling so deeply, and you dream it so vividly, that you just want to jump right in and start living your life in the new reality you know is possible. This has been my dilemma over the years. The call was so loud at times, and felt so right, but I was never able to figure out how to translate it or make it fit in the world as it is. Can you relate?

If so, let me share what I've finally realized about this journey. Well, not finally, because I've said this to other folks, but of course we don't always take our own advice.

Here it is... Not everyone is going to be ready for your calling, or your version of the new reality you are trying to create. Not even those closest to you. But this doesn't mean you should hide it or shove yourself back into their box. They'll eventually get there when they're ready, but you can't force it so don't waste too much time and energy trying to get them to understand... I made that mistake too many times to count. And the guidance of other people won't always resonate, so don't let that lead you off your path if it doesn't feel right. That inner voice of yours is guiding you somewhere else. Trust it. You are not meant to fit into their world, you never were. You were brought here with gifts that are needed to create a new way of doing things that benefit us all on a collective level. It is up to you to do the work and consciously choose to use those gifts for the greater good of all life on this planet.

Are you ready to listen to that call and start paving a new way?

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